Sunday, September 28, 2014

Weekly Assignment 9/29

We had some what of a busy week this week in Chemistry. Last Friday we did a study guide that was supposed to prepare us for the test we were going to have on Tuesday. The test was over the following things; using measurements, and doing different unit conversions. We had to be able to explain/know the difference between accuracy and precision, be able to calculate percent error, use the correct number of significant figures when making a measurement, round off calculated answers to the correct number of significant figures, convert between normal and scientific notation, perform standard prefix conversions, and perform unit conversions using dimensional analysis. I actually did really well on the test, I got a 100%. On Wednesday we read these two articles about how people feel about the metric system and the standard american measuring system. We had to highlight the facts and then fill in a map with what was different and the same between the two measuring systems. For homework we had to pick between three different writing prompts and we had to right about what we read. Next class day we went over what we did and for homework we were supposed to finish off with a better more thought out answer to the writing prompt that we chose. I think that we had a really productive week and most of all I was really excited about my perfect score on the test we took.

Friday, September 12, 2014


Hi my name is Skylin and I am a junior in high school. My favorite thing to do is cheerleading and I am a varsity cheerleader at my high school. I have 2 English Bulldogs, one named Bella and one named Dixie. My favorite subject is science and my least favorite subject is English. These are just a few facts about me!